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Silmet ProLink Universal Adhesive Ethanol Based 5mL

SKU: 104-150005-ET
Regular price $36.95
Regular price $49.99 Sale price $36.95
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ProLink™ Ethanol is a fast, easy and convenient total-etch, ethanol based single step bonding agent. ProLink Ethanol delivers outstanding shear bonding values to dentin, enamel & all popular light, dual or auto-cure composites and is suitable for a variety of indications.

Contains: 5mL bottle

  • Primer & sealer combined in 1 bottle
  • Minimal treatment time
  • Perfect marginal integrity
  • One application only
  • Reduced polymerization shrinkage
  • Ethanol solvent
  • Acetone-free
  • Ultimate protection for dentin regeneration or pulp capping ability
  • Direct Composite or Compomer restorations
  • Adhesive cementation
  • Composite repair